American’s have it good. America is a beautiful, vast & diverse county. I am thankful & proud to have been born, raised & living here.
That being said, there is some room for improvement.
I would like for everyone to be aware of the power of his or her time & money… hours & dollars are votes, all year round. The people have the power to shape the present & the future. Let’s demand transparency & focus. Let’s work TOGETHER instead of against each other… why should we have to choose one set of good ideas/policies over another… why can’t we say, these are the best ideas to prioritize now, work on that. Show me results.
In essence every person is the boss of those in charge… we put them there, we keep them there, it is our responsibility to fairly manage their actions while they are in power.
My opinion is that spending of well over one BILLION dollars on campaigning against each other is unacceptable… we must put an end to this so in four years we don’t waste two BILLION dollars.
Get out & vote, today & everyday!