Friday, May 20, 2011


It seems to me that hyroponic gardening can be as low-tech or high-tech as you wish.  I have had great success growing green onions and mint in some old shot glasses. Sometimes I start mint here and then plant it in the garden... or just pinch leaves off as needed.   The only upkeep is changing the water and rinsing the roots every few days. The green onions are really fun because they grow really fast... It's great to just use sissors to snip fresh green onions when needed.  You can get about three regrown sprigs from your store bought green onions before it's best to start over.

I recently spotted a classy way of doing a similiar thing online: 

Image and more information on grow bottles can be found here:

1 comment:

  1. Now I know what I should have done with my shot glasses while being pregnant/nursing for the past nearly 5 years!

    Your pic is cute with the oranges behind!
