Monday, June 6, 2011

Hydraulic Fracturing, boo.

Natural Gas, it sounds like a great energy alternative but in reality it’s just another nonrenewable resource.  Processing natural gas for use is quite labor and resource intensive but the extraction of natural gas is what is most alarming.

Many times natural gas is mined through a process called hydrofracking (fracking, hydraulic fracturing) it can be a dangerous and destructive process.   Hydrofracking requires the use of nearly 600 chemicals (many of them toxic) that can leach into our drinking water, produces hazardous wastewater which can contain radioactive substances and toxic chemicals, depletes local water supplies, and may result in dangerous explosions.
This documentary, Gasland, shows the dangers of Hydraulic Fracturing.

If this is bumming you out.  Please take a minute to visit this site:
You can quickly send a letter requesting that a misleading Exxon Mobil ad be taken off the air before it further distorts the public debate around hydrofracking. 
Do what you can to support RENEWABLE energy resources! Thanks. 

Check out this related article: Mark Ruffalo wants you to stand up against hydrofracking

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